In Fort Lauderdale, Florida, the lives of three individuals changed forever when they were involved in a fiery crash on the interstate. The Florida Highway Patrol says that one of the cars was going the wrong way on the interstate and slammed into a driver who was driving the correct direction. Of the women in the cars were not wearing seatbelts, the collision would have most likely resulted in death. The highway patrol is currently looking to determine whether or not alcohol was a factor in the crash. Often when a driver turns onto an interstate the wrong way, he or she is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
There are also times that a driver may drive the wrong way because he or she is tired and does not remember which way to get home. When there are not a lot of cars on a freeway in the early hours of the morning, signs can be disorienting. Without traffic to gauge which way the street runs, a person may accidentally pull onto the wrong interstate and start driving against the flow of traffic. This can facilitate horrific head-on collisions. This particular accident happened at about 3:00 in the morning, which means that there were probably not many cars on the road. The woman at-fault for the crash was a 23-year-oold named Nicole Herrera. She slammed into a Chrysler PT Cruiser carrying two people. All the parties were rushed to the hospital.
A FHP representative explained to CBS that the cars were travelling at about 70 miles per hour when they collided. The crash ignited a fire, and all three occupants in the vehicles received very serious injuries. The three were taken to the Memorial Regional Hospital for treatment. One officer told CBS that whenever you have a driver driving the wrong way on an interstate you have a very serious situation. The FHP said that this incident should serve as an example to others about the importance of wearing a seatbelt.
The police hope that a surveillance camera can trace the path of Herrera’s car in order to better explain what happened. If you have been injured in a serious car crash and were not at fault for the accident, you can seek compensation for your injuries, pain, suffering, and lost wages. Talk to lawyer at the Negroni Law Firm today if you want more information about seeking compensation in a car accident. The attorneys at our firm are devoted to helping you with any personal injury claims that you might have. We believe that you shouldn’t have to suffer the expenses of medical bills, lost wages, or even additional psychological trauma without a helping hand from the party responsible.